Sponsorship + Giving
$38 a month – only a dollar and 27 cents a day.
We have ICCM locations and partnerships in more than 40 countries!
ICCM children receive the benefits of sponsorship in ways each suited to their situation. Our approach is designed to supplement locally available resources (parents, churches, governments), which vary across our projects.
1. Schools. Your monthly support pays for tuition, books, uniforms and, in some cases, lunch.
2. Holistic Child Development Centers. Where public schools exist and are adequate, ICCM provides weekend programs for sponsored children, offering tutoring, games, food, and activities designed to help the children develop in all four domains of their lives — physical, spiritual, cognitive and social.
3. Hostels. Some children require residential care to access education. Orphans, children from regions without schools or where child trafficking is pervasive, and children whose parents are incapable of caring for them are welcomed into hostels.
Sponsorship continues until a student completes their secondary education. If a child moves away or becomes ineligible, we inform you and give you the opportunity to transfer, or to decline sponsorship of a new child. If at any time you are unable to continue the sponsorship, please contact the ICCM office.
Online. Many sponsors find automatic payments convenient and cost-saving. Sign up on the Login Page or call us to begin a recurring electronic funds transfer (EFT) or credit card payment.
Check. If you prefer to mail checks, consider mailing checks quarterly, semi-annually or annually to reduce your expenses. However, mail them monthly if you prefer.
Make your check payable to International Child Care Ministries.
Include your sponsor number in the memo line.
Please send checks to:
International Child Care Ministries
PO Box 51710
Indianapolis, IN 46251
A reply envelope is enclosed with each receipt. The bottom 1/3 of your receipt is a remittance form to mail with your next check. The top portion is for your tax records.
There are 3 ways to donate:
1. Set up recurring payments arranged through our website or by calling our office at (800) 342-5531 ext. 502.
2. Donate via credit card or Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) from your bank account.
3. Send a paper check (annually, quarterly, monthly). For annual checks, you may request a reminder which will come a month before your payment is due.
Cost of Processing to ICCM
We accept all major credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover).
“Check” denotes personal checks or bill pay checks that are mailed to us from your online bank. The $0.83 includes our bank processing fees and the receipt, envelope, and stamp to mail your receipt back. We enclose Reflections as a “freebie” since we’re already mailing you the receipt — these cost an additional $0.12, a small cost we’re glad to absorb. EFT and credit card donations receive tax receipts in January.
EFT + Credit Card giving can be set up through your account or by calling us.
Sponsors use all means to give. We are grateful for all your gifts!
$29 is given to directly benefit the children, to support education and development.
$1.50 is invested in scholarships for secondary school students.
$1.25 is used to empower a global team.
$1.25 is used to leverage our technology.
$5 is used for support and administration.
Ideally, the middle of the month. The first week we’re wrapping up data from the prior month and sending wires around the world. If you mail your check the last week, it might not make it to the ICCM offices by the end of the month; USPS often takes a week.
Please make up that payment as soon as possible. When calculating your “paid-through date” the next payment you make is applied to the missed month(s).
You will only be sent a remittance if you send your donation via check or bill pay. Your remittance form is your reminder. If your support is 2 months or more overdue, you will receive a reminder in the mail. If you send annual checks, you may request a reminder by either using this form to contact us or by calling our office at 800.342.5531 ext. 502.
Yes. There are special needs or projects in places where extra funds are urgently needed for feeding children, medical care, or opening a new school or hostel. Our website shows many such opportunities.
Writing To Your Sponsored Child
Certainly! Though you are not required to write, letters are a blessing to a child. He or she will know your name and treasure the thought that you really care. You may write to your child using this form or by mail to this address:
Sponsor Number
Child’s ID Number
International Child Care Ministries
PO Box 51710
Indianapolis, IN 46251
Send a photo of yourself and your family (even pets!) and tell about each one. A child would love to have your picture.
Special hobbies you may have
Projects you or your family are doing
Church or school activities
Celebrations or holidays
Favorite Bible verses or songs
Please do not include any part of your address, email address or refer to your material possessions or affluence.
Probably at least two months. Your letter must be translated before it can be given to your child.
Every child and situation is different, but in most cases, sponsors can expect 1 to 2 letter from their child per year. In addition, you should receive an updated photo of the child every 2 years. Please keep in mind that in countries in crisis, letters and photos are less frequent.
Monetary gifts are welcome and should be sent to ICCM directly. An adult will help the child make local purchases.
If you still wish to mail a physical gift, please keep the following in mind:
- Mailing items can cause unexpected problems, such as customs/duty fees, theft in transit, possible cultural inappropriateness, and transportation issues.
- We are unable to send food/snack items or substances that may melt (soaps, gum or other semi-solid items).
- Please confine any gifts to small, flat items that can be put into a #10 business envelope (4 1/8 by 9 1/2”) or flat envelope (8 3/4” x 11 ¼ ) no thicker than ¼”.
Please use the child’s given name. We understand that sometimes, due to cultural barriers, it may be difficult to say or write your child’s name correctly. Also, many of our donors sponsor children in memory of someone they’ve lost or in honor of someone they love. However, we do encourage you to use their given name wherever possible. Each child’s cultural background is a part of their unique design. Thank you for respecting their culture and heritage.
International Child Care Ministries
PO Box 51710
Indianapolis, IN 46251

The greatest expression of our hope is to love others; to be part of the healing of brokenness in all its forms, for all people. We are thrilled to serve kids and communities regardless of race, ethnicity, identity, gender, faith and religion, or any other way in which discrimination can happen. ICCM is a ministry of the Free Methodist Church, USA, a registered 501(c)3 non-profit.