Making a Difference in Brazil

I met Andrei when I visited our ICCM school in Monte Santo, Bahia, Brazil, in September. I asked if I could get a picture with him because I knew his sponsors. After we had our picture taken together and he had returned to class, Sirlene, the school’s assistant director, told me more about him. Andrei’s behavior at school had been poor. The staff noticed he was eating as much as possible at meal and snack times. His teacher thought his behavior would improve if he could come to school early and have breakfast before class. She suspected he was coming to school very hungry – possibly without breakfast and or no dinner the night before. Gilson, the school’s director, arranged for Andrei to be among the students who arrive at school early to eat breakfast, due to nutritional concerns. Andrei’s behavior improved markedly. When I saw Andrei during another visit, he proudly showed me the shoes that had been purchased, with a gift sent by his sponsor, to replace the tattered ones he’d been wearing.